Cosmic Voyage

There are no new achievement in Gemini space. The only thing is that I started a Cosmic Voyage [1], [2]. Story is in Polish laguage, because my English is not on the proper level for such stories.

The more I explore Gemini space, the more text entertainments I am finding. It is mix of Gemini and Gopher world, which is like The ancient Atlantis - under the water level of WWW. There are no any need to write Cosmic Voyage in the way Cosmic Voyage is written. But it's all for fun. There is a special ssh account, and system commands for it. Everyone could write it on their own, but more than 500 stories were written in such strange manner.

At the end is worth writing that because Cosmic Voyage has Gopher ancestry, on natural way, it has Gemini space proxy.




@ Sat Apr 3 21:00:51 CEST 2021

tags: #gemini, #cosmicVoyage, #gemini, #gopher
